Dgs Bell Schedule

Dgs Bell Schedule


As a student, juggling multiple classes, extracurricular activities, and other commitments can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s essential to have a reliable schedule to help manage your time effectively. At DGS, we follow a bell schedule that allows students to plan their day more efficiently. In this article, we’ll go in-depth about the DGS bell schedule and how it can benefit students.

Personal Experience

As a former DGS student, I remember how challenging it was to manage my time without a proper schedule. I often found myself rushing to finish assignments or studying last minute for exams. However, once I learned how to utilize the DGS bell schedule, I found myself more organized and less stressed. I was able to prioritize my tasks and use my time more effectively.

List of Events and Competitions

DGS offers a variety of events and competitions throughout the school year. From sports tournaments to music festivals, there’s always something happening on campus. Here are a few notable events to keep in mind: – Homecoming Week – Winter Formal – Spring Musical – Athletic Competitions

DGS Bell Schedule Guide

The DGS bell schedule consists of eight periods, each lasting 47 minutes. Additionally, there are four-minute passing periods between each class. Here’s a breakdown of the schedule: – Period 1: 7:40 AM – 8:27 AM – Period 2: 8:31 AM – 9:18 AM – Period 3: 9:22 AM – 10:09 AM – Period 4: 10:13 AM – 11:00 AM – Period 5: 11:04 AM – 11:51 AM – Period 6: 11:55 AM – 12:42 PM – Period 7: 12:46 PM – 1:33 PM – Period 8: 1:37 PM – 2:24 PM

Schedule Table

Here’s a table that shows the DGS bell schedule in an easy-to-read format:

Period Start Time End Time
1 7:40 AM 8:27 AM
2 8:31 AM 9:18 AM
3 9:22 AM 10:09 AM
4 10:13 AM 11:00 AM
5 11:04 AM 11:51 AM
6 11:55 AM 12:42 PM
7 12:46 PM 1:33 PM
8 1:37 PM 2:24 PM

Question and Answer

Here are some common questions students may have about the DGS bell schedule:

What do I do during passing periods?

Passing periods are four minutes long, giving you just enough time to get to your next class. Use this time to pack up your things, use the restroom, or grab a quick snack.

What if I’m late to class?

If you’re late to class, don’t panic. Just quietly enter the room and take your seat. However, be aware that repeated tardiness can affect your grades.

What if I have a free period?

If you have a free period, use this time to catch up on homework, study for upcoming exams, or meet with teachers for extra help.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the DGS bell schedule:

What happens on early release days?

On early release days, the bell schedule is adjusted to accommodate the shorter school day. Classes are 35 minutes long, and there are still four-minute passing periods.

What if I have a class that meets every other day?

Classes that meet every other day follow an A/B schedule. On A days, you’ll attend specific classes, and on B days, you’ll attend different classes.

What if I have a question about the bell schedule?

If you have any questions about the DGS bell schedule, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers or guidance counselor. They’ll be more than happy to help you navigate the schedule and manage your time effectively.


The DGS bell schedule is an essential tool for students to manage their time effectively. By understanding the schedule and utilizing it to your advantage, you can prioritize your tasks and reduce stress. So, take advantage of the DGS bell schedule and make the most out of your time at school.

Bell Schedule Gabilan Elementary School
Bell Schedule Gabilan Elementary School from gab.soledadusd.org