Newborn Daily Schedule

Newborn Daily Schedule


Welcoming a newborn into your home can be one of the most exciting and challenging times for any new parent. While the joy of holding your little bundle of joy is unmatched, the sleepless nights and erratic schedule can be overwhelming. This is where a well-planned newborn daily schedule comes in handy.

Personal Experience

As a new mom, I struggled to find a balance between taking care of my baby and managing my routine. But with the help of a daily schedule, I was able to provide my baby with the care and attention they needed while also getting some rest.

List of Events in a Newborn Daily Schedule

A newborn’s daily schedule typically includes the following events:

  • Feeding – Breastfeeding or Bottle-feeding
  • Diaper changing
  • Naptime
  • Bathing
  • Playtime
  • Tummy time

Detail Schedule Guide for Newborn Daily Schedule

Here’s a detailed guide to creating a newborn daily schedule:


Newborns need to feed every 2-3 hours, so it’s important to have a feeding schedule in place. Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, it’s important to ensure that your baby is getting enough milk.

Diaper Changing

Newborns need to be changed frequently, so it’s important to have a diaper changing station ready. It’s also important to keep track of how many times your baby is peeing and pooping each day.


Newborns sleep for most of the day, so it’s important to have a naptime schedule in place. It’s also important to have a safe and comfortable place for your baby to sleep.


Newborns don’t need to be bathed every day, but they do need to be cleaned regularly. It’s important to have a bathing schedule in place and to use gentle products that are safe for your baby’s delicate skin.


Newborns need to be stimulated, so it’s important to have a playtime schedule in place. This can include reading, singing, and playing with toys.

Tummy Time

Tummy time is important for your baby’s development, so it’s important to have a tummy time schedule in place. This can include placing your baby on their tummy for short periods throughout the day.

Schedule Table for Newborn Daily Schedule

Here’s a sample schedule table for a newborn daily schedule:

Time Event
6:00 AM Feeding
7:00 AM Diaper Changing
7:30 AM Naptime
9:00 AM Feeding
10:00 AM Playtime/Tummy Time
11:00 AM Naptime
1:00 PM Feeding
2:00 PM Diaper Changing
2:30 PM Naptime
4:00 PM Feeding
5:00 PM Playtime/Tummy Time
6:00 PM Bathing
7:00 PM Feeding
8:00 PM Naptime
10:00 PM Feeding
11:00 PM Naptime
2:00 AM Feeding
3:00 AM Diaper Changing
3:30 AM Naptime

Question and Answer Section

Q: How many times should I feed my newborn?

A: Newborns need to be fed every 2-3 hours, or as often as they need.

Q: How often should I change my baby’s diaper?

A: Newborns need to be changed frequently, at least every 2-3 hours.

Q: Do I need to wake my baby up to feed them?

A: In the first few weeks, it’s important to wake your baby up to feed them if they haven’t woken up on their own.


Q: What if my baby doesn’t follow the schedule?

A: It’s okay if your baby doesn’t follow the schedule exactly. The schedule is meant to be a guide, and you should adjust it as needed to meet your baby’s needs.

Q: Can I breastfeed and bottle-feed my baby?

A: Yes, you can breastfeed and bottle-feed your baby. It’s important to talk to your doctor about the best way to do this.

Q: What if my baby is fussy or won’t sleep?

A: If your baby is fussy or won’t sleep, try different soothing techniques like swaddling, rocking, or singing. If it persists, talk to your doctor.

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